
No.1 document from the New Year to see Chinese farmers benefit

Recently announced the Central Document No. 2010 to "increase the intensity of urban and rural development, agriculture and rural development and further consolidate the foundation" as its theme, 5 most of the 27 content of the high "gold content" of the programmatic document,risa in the efforts to improve agriculture their ability to support rural development and enhance capacity for sustained development on the new initiatives to improve policies in the overall gold content to enhance the appropriateness and operational highlights on a new, intensive series of major initiatives introduced as a warm and heavy New Year's gift will be hundreds of millions of farmers in employment, social security, education and other areas of social undertakings in rural areas enjoy greater well-being, production and livelihood of farmers is bound to a new level.

Financial Qiangnong Huinong into a new era of

One paper says clearly that the central authorities, according to the "volume continued to increase steadily increasing the proportion of" requirements, and constantly increase the "three rural" input. In this regard, the document drafting group official said, which means that Chinese agriculture will enter into a new era of mechanism, the future "San Nong" input will have a more substantial growth.

"Paper on the 'three rural issues' inputs 'volume continued to increase steadily increased the proportion of' these 12 characters, is of great significance." Of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, said Chen Xiwen, deputy head, in recent years, China's "San Nong" input volume more or less will be increased, but the proportion of some years there may be reduced. One document not only this year's total increase in demand, but also increase the proportion of agro-input put forward higher requirements.

Data show that in 2009, the central financial arrangements of the grain direct subsidy, a comprehensive agricultural subsidies, seed subsidies, subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools to purchase a total of 123.08 billion yuan to subsidize four, an increase of 19.4%. Ministry of Finance is expected in 2009 the central government for the "three rural issues" of the expenditures reached 716.14 billion yuan, an increase of 120.59 billion yuan, an increase of 20.2%, local financial support for agriculture inputs are increasing, " San Nong "put the size of a new record high.

Central Committee Document No.Yuanxiao on the expression of the three major funding sources supporting agriculture also has new changes. The paper suggests that to ensure that the financial expenditure priority to supporting agriculture and rural development, budget priorities to invest in fixed asset investment in agriculture infrastructure and rural livelihood projects, land transfer revenues first be used on agricultural land development and rural infrastructure. Furthermore, the paper, this year expanded the scope of subsidies for potatoes, barley seed to start subsidies, subsidies for the pilot implementation of peanut varieties, and to forestry, animal husbandry, and drought-resistant, water-saving machinery and equipment included in the scope of subsidies.

Ministry of Finance said that in 2010 will continue to increase, "three rural" input, increasing the size of agriculture-related subsidies, improve the agricultural subsidies and price support policies to promote rural incomes. Strengthen agricultural rural infrastructure, accelerate the development of modern agriculture, improve the main agricultural market regulation, and steady development of agricultural production.

Breakthrough brewing financial services in rural areas

The problem of financing in rural areas is a troubled "San Nong" the development of long-term conflict. Called for financial services in rural areas over the years, new breakthroughs, the Central Financial Work Leading Group Office of the deputy director of the Ren-Jian, on the 1st of this year's central documents in consolidating the basis of agriculture and rural areas there are five bright spots, which increase the credit to become the focus of attention.

One document emphasizes the central government to encourage the building of rural financial institutions to farmers to buy cars and home appliances, to provide consumer credit, increase credit to set up farm shops. To further improve the banking financial institutions in the county of new deposits is mainly used for local lending policies. Increase the policy focus of financial reform and development in rural areas and weak links in support of efforts to expand the field of agriculture Agricultural Development Bank, and vigorously carry out agricultural development and rural infrastructure construction and long-term policy-related credit business. Agricultural Bank of China, rural credit cooperatives, postal savings banks and other financial institutions in the banking industry should further increase the agriculture-related credit.

Ren-Jian analysis that, with regard to rural finance in general, emphasizing the expansion of credit, financial services, first, emphasis on policy-oriented financial to support the rural reform and development, it clear that China Agricultural Development Bank of the need to expand scope of business to carry out long-term credit; Second, we must accelerate the development of new types of rural small-scale, micro-finance organizations development; third is required to ensure that within three years to eliminate gaps in rural financial services. According to statistics, there are 2945 townships across the country (8.6% of the total township) now does not have any financial institutions, there are 708 towns do not have any financial services.

It is worth mentioning that the Agricultural Development Bank to expand the field of agriculture require the Agricultural Development Bank to carry out agricultural development and rural infrastructure construction and long-term policy-related credit business, "and long-term policy" It's six words, means that in the future agriculture in, there will be an increasing number of financial institutions to play a date for the rural "blood transfusion" role, there will be more long-term credit fund to make up the building of rural infrastructure, inadequate financing and the rural economy, "anemia" also expected to as soon as possible.

New Year, new hope. Outlook 2010, in the Central Document No. "steady supply of food security, increase benefits people's livelihood and promote the reform of co-ordination, strong base increased stamina," the basic ideas under the guidance of the elements in the allocation of resources, improving rural people's livelihood, promote the comprehensive reforms, and so high " gold content "driven by policy measures, China's favorable conditions for agriculture and rural development and positive factor in increasing the accumulation of co-ordinating urban and rural economic and social development, eliminate the process of urban-rural dual structure, the hundreds of millions of farmers get the benefits will be more and more.

