
The oldest lantern poem

Today I write a post about the oldest lantern poem which named TingLiao in the world, in the modern time, lantern poem and the lantern riddles are often written on the Chinese lanterns in the Lantern Festival.

In front the invention of the light, our ancestors used to light the torch, the torch known as the “candle” at the time, candle is divided into 2 cases: “out side the door named big candela (大烛), in the house named TingLiao (庭燎).” At about the sixth centred BC, there is poem that named TingLiao in the “The Book of Poetry“.


The means from this poem

The 1st paragraph describing the scene at midnight, courtier lit up candelas in the midst of the night was ready to enter the palace to prepare for meetings inch the morning,

The 2nd paragraph is the description of candles have a brightly lit by the courtier and emperor before dawn.

The 3rd paragraph said that the candlelight was already covered by the sunlight in dawn.These verse form depicts a scene of audience palace in the morning, it showed the emperor rule the country hardly.

This is the oldest lantern poem, its vivid description, rhetorical, jingle, can be said to create the form of lantern poem, is the originator of lantern poem.

Article from:http://www.lantern-festival.com/about-lantern-festival/the-oldest-lantern-poem.html

other article:
the taiwan lantern festival
Chinese Lantern peom

